
“Huskies, chows, Pekingese, Chihuahuas, setters and spaniels are type of hunting and work dogs.”

This shock me a little bit. Chihuahuas are hunting type of dog?


This cute little dog and Pekingese too??? I understand how Huskies and chows are consider as working dogs but not Pekingese and Chihuahuas!

Look at how different they are!


Anyway, they are all cute! ><

De Vries

Hugo De Vries


Hugo De Vries was a Dutch botanist and one of the first geneticists. He was born on February 16, 1848 and died at the age 87 on May 21, 1935.

He accepted Darwin’s thesis that descent with modification is the main law of nature in the organic world but he need to find out how could the wide differences between species be produced. Then, he found that redder tulips produced many new varieties in his experimental gardens. He called it a “mutation”.


I actually don’t understand how they just look at the flowers and know things. Whenever I look at the flower, all I know is “It is beautiful!” or “It smell good!”

Are they genius or I’m just not intelligent enough…?


otter + beaver + fighting cock = ?

Take the fur of an otter, the tail of a beaver, the bill and webbed toes of a duck and the spurs of a fighting cock; add them together and the sum is the… PLATYPUS of Australia and Tasmania! I still thinking that this animal is very awesome. It is the most bizarre of living mammals. Is there any  animals that have mix of other animal’s appearance like this? I want to have one of them.



Beauty vs. Battle

Darwin found that “beauty is sometimes even more important than success in battle,” and the male most likely to succeed in leaving progeny is the one most capable of capturing the female’s attention.



Ok, no more battle, let’s put on some make up!  >.~

I had never thought that sometimes beauty was more important than battle for males. I was surprised!


“I’m gorgeous.”  (Beauty is more important than winning the battle.)


Animals can talk!?

“Darwin offered the proof of his own pets that dogs can comprehend words and sentences, and pointed out that many birds, besides parrots, have the power of articulation”

Birds and dogs can talk to each other? Then who is smarter, human who only can communicate with human and animals that can communicate to each other, even though they have different species. Can other animals understand each others like dog and bird?

big dog and bird

A dog: Hello little bird

A bird: Hi big dog 😀


Tiger: Be prepare! I’m going to eat you.

Deer: Help! Help!


Are they communicate like this? But we just can’t understand them.

Malthus and Darwin

“Malthus argued that the human race would overrun the earth if not held in check by war, famine and disease.” Darwin got an idea from him and said that, ” As the better-adapted survive and the ill-adjusted were eliminated each creature would tend to improve in relation to the conditions it lived in.”

Isn’t Darwin very clever? I don’t really see the related between these things that Darwin and Malthus said. 😦

I think what Malthus say is true. The population of people grow faster and faster and the resources aren’t enough for everyone. Wars and diseases reduce population and everyone get enough supplies. However, war destroy environment and can make things worst.

Don’t get me wrong!!!

I didn’t mean that people should go to war and kill each others, so that we can get enough supplies. I just compare the present to the past when there weren’t many people, abundant of forest and resources.

Thomas Robert Malthus

He was born in 1766 and died in 1834. He was a British economist and sociologist.


Before the clum…

“Before the clumsy hand of man interfered, tortoises in these islands had a life expectance of well over a century. Two centuries of indiscriminate slaughter pushed them to brink of extinction.”

Then people are really the main cause of extinction. Only if people don’t interfere with them, we could find a lot of them right now. It is a sad thing to know that most of them are already extinct. On the other hand, if we keep slaughter them, don’t you think someday in a million years ahead, we will get massacre ourselves?

Tortoise in the Galapagos islands




It is so HUGE !!!

Galapagos Islands

Darwin aboard the “BEAGLE” to spend 5 weeks exploring the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands are an  archipelago of volcanic islands,  926 km west of continental Ecuador.


There are 18 main islands of the archipelago. One of the island is Darwin island. It is named in honor of Charles Darwin, and it is one of the smallest in the Galapagos Archipelago with an area of just one square kilometer. In each island has different climate and animals are different, even though they are just a few kilometer away.

Isn’t it weird?


“Darwin marveled that a human tribe could survive so inhospitable and bleak an environment, but despite its rigors, the Fuegians did not seem to be dying out.”

People are awesome! Even though, it was harsh environment, we can adapt to it. I think it is very hard for them to survive in that kind of environment but I think their goal is to survive and they can survive. Isn’t that cool?




Fuegians are the native dweller of Tierra del Fuego, at the southern tip of South America.

Aristotle had m…

“Aristotle had maintained that there was a natural procedure from plants to plant-animals to animals and then, by graduated steps, to man.”

Does this mean we come from plants or used to be plants with green stems!? I can’t believe this; I used to have green body with leaves. It was unbelievable that animals evolve from plants because plants don’t even have eyes or ears.